Recurrent Expressions – Outtakes #3 [loops]

Draw, move, repeat.

The [loops] sketch is about exploring the emergent shapes and patterns of a big-ish number of ellipses, adjusting size and color parameters and setting sine and cosine functions for placement on canvas.

For some reason is very satisfying to put a bunch of circles in a geometric path and let them change color and size. 

It’s nice to work with color for a change! 🌈 


int loop = 500;
float r = 70;
float offsetX, offsetY, a, a2, n;

void setup() {
  size(700, 700);

void draw() {

  for (int i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
    n += 0.03;
    a += 2;
    a2 += 3;
    //r = map(sin(radians(a)), -1, 1, 120, 20);
    //offset = map(noise(n), 0, 1, -50, 50);

    r = map(sin(radians(a2)), -1, 1, 50, 150);
    offsetX = sin(radians(a + (i * 0.02))) * 200;
    offsetY = cos(radians(a + (i * 0.09))) * 200;

    fill(map(i, 0, loop, 180, 140) + map(noise(n), 
    0, 1, -50, 50), 255, 255, 50);
    ellipse((height / 2) + offsetX, (width / 2)
    + offsetY, r, r);

  //save("loop_" + int(random(999)) + ".png");

The reason behind organizing and ultimately self-publishing the collection of graphic experiments Expresiones Recurrentes was to curate a little more than a year of iterations on visual sketches in Processing.

Of course a lot of material was left out of the final release, so I thought that sharing some of the results bundled up in different posts could be a way of breathing life into some of the pictures that were produced.

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